My passion for woodworking was inspired by my grandfather. As a young child, I enjoyed spending time with him in his shop. He ignited a passion within me that has only grown with time.
Now as an adult, it brings me great joy when I create unique pieces that I know will be enjoyed for years to come. Works of art that will be passed down to the next generation and beyond.
Over the past twenty years, I have focused my love & skill in working with the unlimited possibilities of wood veneers. The natural beauty of the woods – their grains, textures & colors energize me. I am passionate about designing & building custom pieces, working through the challenges that must be solved, much like a puzzle. From my first rocking horse (80 hours to complete) to my Kandinsky-inspired dining room table (600 hours to complete), my repertoire has expanded to include pieces of all shapes and sizes.
Not only do I design & build – but I am committed to sharing my skills with others. I’ve taught locally & nationally and have worked with children & adults. From beginner to advanced classes in Marquetry, it is awesome to see the smiles on my student’s faces (and mine!) when they get it.

“I am so lucky to be able to do what I love … and love what I do!”